Friday, February 12, 2010

True Love

I absolutely do believe in love at first sight. I remember the first time I saw my husband. I was walking our dog Rajah (a pet who lived with us for many years despite the fact that she went between doing a convincing Cujo imitation and pretty much avoiding everyone but my mom), and a boy around my age walked past. He said, "nice dog" (little did he know that while he walked to the bathroom in the middle of the night, that dog would end up biting his feet on multiple occasions). My immediate impression after we passed one another was, "he's cute". There weren't any fireworks. I had no clue that I had just exchanged a smile with the love of my life.

It was the other man in my life who taught me that love at first sight was possible. That other man is my son, Jack. After he was born, I saw him for mere seconds before he was whisked away to have his blood sugar checked. A few hours later, running on adrenaline alone, my husband and I went up to the NICU. The admitting nurse looked at me and asked, "didn't you just give birth to your baby?". I nodded and smiled, anxious to see my son. When I looked down at him, I was astonished. I couldn't fathom that we had created this exquisite little person. We looked at one another, dumbfounded. I said, "Can you believe he's ours? He's beautiful." I can only describe what I felt in that instant as love at first sight.

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